Children’s Liturgy begins on Sunday, September 16 and lasts through May. It will be held every Sunday with exceptions noted in the bulletin. Children’s Liturgy takes place during the scripture readings and homily of the 11:00 a.m. mass and offers children a chance to participate in the Liturgy of the Word at a level they can understand with the mass readings and other corresponding activities adapted for their age and developmental level. The program is designed for children ages 510, although children younger than 5 years old may attend if accompanied by a parent.
I would like to have two additional adults to volunteer to serve in the Liturgy of the Word ministry. Also, parish- ioners in Grades 812 are welcome and encouraged to assist with the Children’s Liturgy of the Word leaders in order to obtain service hours. If interested, please call the parish office at 4126729641 or email Cindi Fuselier at [email protected]. Thanks so much! Please keep this ministry in your prayers.