The 2018 CCD year runs from September through April. Religious Education is offered for students grades 1 through 8 (St. Angela Merici, Corpus Christi, and St. Patrick) and K through 8 (St. Robert Bellarmine). To register a child during the school year, find contact information below.
The Rite of Christian Initiation Program (RCIA) is a program that welcomes men and women into the Catholic Church. Every individual is guided by the priest and an RCIA support team through every stage. Members begin by forming a relationship with Jesus Christ and learning about the Catholic Church. RCIA candidates then begin study scripture and gain a deeper understanding of the Catholic faith and beliefs. Candidates may then consult with the priest to receive the initiation sacraments of Baptism, Holy Communion, and Confirmation. Once the individual has received these sacraments and has become a member of the universal Catholic Church, a period of reflection takes place. Please find contact information below.
Adult formation is for the Adults of our Parishes, find contact information below.